
launch of Naz's Indian Restaurant website.

We are pleased to announce the birth of our latest website for Naz's Indian Restaurant in 
The owner, Naz, approached us to create a stunning new website to highlight his restaurant and to show the versatility of his vast menu.
With some stunning dishes on offer it wasn't too difficult to make a mouth-watering website + we also added a booking facility to streamline the whole service.

I am very pleased with my new website. The photography is excellent and the feel of the site captures the mood perfectly.

August Newsletter

Our August Newsletter is now available to read. Packed full of tips and information on our budget-busting services, you can't fail to save money with us.
You can read about our hosting services, which we believe is the best value for money service available today. Also, we highlight our new Affiliate Program which can line your pockets without even lifting a finger. We pay some remarkable commissions to our members for successful leads with rates at 20% of the total order value.
Read the full newsletter here.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest
With an array of funky designs and a multitude of fabrics and buttons to choose from, these waistcoats are bound to be a hit with fashion conscious gentlemen the world over!
We were so impressed with Click Web development. They made the whole process of getting a website ready and launched so easy.
We would highly recommend their services to anybody needing a fantastic site!  - Samantha Pearson.

One of the sister-sites for Sports Coach Recruitment, Sports4Kidz, has now gone live!
This is a Content Management site that allows our client to update and add new courses for school activities. These courses can be searched and booked online, with discounts available for membership too.
We are very close to launching the 3rd site in this series,,, which will be a new service for schoools, colleges and universities where specialist coaching can be organised. goes LIVE.
We have finished building a great site for a sports coach recruitment company...SportscoachRecruitment.
The brief was to create a clean, clear and fresh looking website with Content Management System to allow for continual updates to be implemented.
We believe this does the trick...and the client is very pleased with the end result.
We are just about to finish 2 sister sites for the same client so come back soon and see these too :-)

Common SEO Design Mistakes

Here are some common SEO design mistakes to avoid if you want your web site to gain popularity: 1) Flash! Although they look pretty, one should avoiding devoting one’s site to nothing but flash. This is because they cannot yet be read by search engines. This mistake should especially be avoided for the Index page: if it opens with nothing but a Flash automatic search engines will pass right by it. A directory editor will probably not wait for the animation to finish either and skip right by the site before it is even finished playing. This is not to say that you can’t include Flash: but it must be balanced with plenty of non-Flash content that search engines can read. Taking the easy route with cloaking software is also not a good idea: META commands and redirection scripts are techniques frequently used by spammers. As a result, your site could be blocked from the index. Use of Flash on a web page also might make your site links literally unreadable to search engines, particularly the Java and Javascript programs. If you are not sure how to include links for Flash pages, include a ‘NOSCRIPT’ tag or a text link to make the link available. 2) Lack of Keyword Focus.Keywords and phrases let search engines know how relevant a site is to a particular search term. The search engine will look at the frequency, position and content of the keyword on the page and in the html code to determine your ranking. Too many keywords on your page will cause the search engine to judge your page to be less relevant. Putting your keyword in too many times might also cause the search engine to become suspicious and possibly block your site. Search engine representatives typically state that a keyword density of 3 to 8 percent is acceptable. However, no one knows exactly how they calculate this density. Different search engines use different tools, so one’s keyword density will be judged differently by different search engines. Putting in your keyword too many times might also turn off readers. For maximum results, one must combine keyword focus with natural flow. Natural flow refers using text that doesn’t sound forced to persuade visitors into becoming customers.

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